New Student Requirements

UND Student Health Services requires each student to complete a medical history and immunization record. For details about required health forms, please read the form entitled Dear University of North Dakota Student.  Please complete the Health History Form and submit it to the University as soon as possible. You may pick up a Health History Form at Student Health Services or download the form in PDF format to be printed offline. If you choose to print offline, the completed form may be mailed to Student Health Services, P.O. Box 9038, Grand Forks, ND 58202-9038, or faxed to 777-4835.  

All students should read the UND Student Health Privacy Policy Acknowledgement.

State policy requires documentation of immunity against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR). Documentation of immunity means:

a) Evidence of two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine no less than one month apart from a licensed physician or authorized representative of a state or local health department.

b) Proof of a positive serologic test for measles, mumps, and rubella


c) Proof of date of birth prior to 1957.

Students will be allowed one semester to provide this information to Student Health Services and if it is not provided by then, further registration may not be allowed until proof of such immunization is provided. Exemptions for religious beliefs can be granted based on written requests. Exemptions for health reasons are also accepted when verified by a medical provider.

Other recommended immunizations include: Tetanus/Diphtheria Series and a booster within the past 10 years, Polio Series, Hepatitis B Series, Hepatitis A Series, and Varivax, if you have not had Chicken Pox. College students are also encouraged to consider being vaccinated for Meningitis (Memomune), a contagious disease that can cause serious health problems and which can be life threatening in some cases.

See Immunizations for more information.

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