Occupational | Environmental | Emotional/Psychological | Intellectual | Spiritual| Social

I. Physical

§         General Health

v American College Health Association (
v Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (
v HealthFinder (
v (
v (
v (
v MEDLINEplus (
v National Institutes of Health (
v National Library of Medicine (
v Northern Arizona University-Employee Assistance & Wellness (
v Web Medicine (
v World Health Organization (

§         Chronic Diseases

v American Cancer Society (
v CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (
v American Diabetes Association ( 
v Heart Disease and Stroke-American Heart Association (

§         Health Assessments

v RealAge (
vYour First Health Risk Assessment (

§         Smoking Cessation

v (
Dr. Bob’s Quit Smoking Page (
QuitNet, Quit All Together (

§         Alcohol

v     BACCHUS & GAMMA Peer Education Network (
v Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons-Complete Home Medical Guide (
v Facts on Tap (
v FanaFana (
v Higher Education Center For Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention (
v Minnesota Institute of Public Health-Tips for Teens About Alcohol (
v National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Inc. (
v National Institute of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (
Scripps Alcohol Treatment Center

§         Drugs

v, A Service of the national Institute on Drug Abuse (
v National Institute on Drug Abuse (
v U. S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (
v FanaFana (

§         Eating Disorders

v Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention, Inc. (
v National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (

§         Men’s Health

v Men's Health Network (

§         Nutrition

v American Dietetic Association (
v Ask the Dietitian, Link to health with good nutrition (
v Cyberdiet (
v Food and Nutrition Information Center (
v U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration (
v Vegetarian Pages (

§         Physical Fitness

v American College of Sports Medicine (
v American Council on Exercise (
v Fitness Online (
v Nutricise (
v The Fitness Zone (
v UND Aerobics Program (
v University of Pittsburgh, Physical Activity & Health Network (

§         Oral Health

v     American Dental Association

§         Women’s Health

v Center for Disease Control (CDC) Women's Health (
v National Women's Health Information Center (
v New York Times: Women's Health

 §         STD’s

v American Social Health Association (
v CDC National Center for Infectious Diseases (

II. Emotional/Psychological

§     American Institute of Stress (

§     American Psychiatric Association (

§     Doctor Self Help, An Enrichment Program For Total Wellness

§     National Institute of Mental Health (

§     Stress Management and Emotion Wellness Links (

§     UND Counseling Center (

§     University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College Health in American, Emotional Wellness Sites (

§     WebMD Health (

§     Wellness Newsletter (

III. Environmental

§ Earth (

§ EnviroLink Network, The Online Environmental Community® (

§ Environmental Protection Agency (

§ (

§ NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (

IV. Spiritual

§  Chicken Soup for the Soul (

§ Christus Rex: Lutheran Campus Ministry (

§ Elsajoy (

§ Lotus Meditation Center (

§ SpiritWeb (

§ The Bible Gateway (

§ University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College Health in American, Spiritual Wellness Sites (

§ WINGS-The Magazine of Enlightenment (

V. Social

§ California State University-Chico, Psychological Counseling and Wellness Center (

§ Columbia University's Health Question & Answer Internet Service, Go Ask Alice (

§ Grand Forks Herald (

§ (

§ ToyBox (

§ UND Conflict Resolution Center (

§ UND Multicultural Student Services (

§ UND Student Organizations Center (

§ UND Women's Center (

§ University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College Health in American, Social Wellness Sites (

V. Intellectual

§ (

§ Northern Arizona University, Office of Employee Assistance & Wellness (

§ Richard Bland College, Wellness on Campus-Intellectual Wellness (

§ UND Learning Center (

§ UND Writing Center (

§ University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College Health in American, Intellectual Wellness Sites (

II. Vocational/Occupational

§ CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (

§ Credit (

§ (

§ Job Service North Dakota (

§ (

§ Pepperdine University, Occupational Wellness Program (

§ U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (

§ UND Career Services (

§ University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College Health in American, Occupational Wellness Sites (

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