
Any discussion you have with your provider can be valuable to you in terms of both health and learning. As health professionals we are a resource to care, not only for your health problems, but to promote wellness.

To benefit most from your talks with medical people, take an active part in the exchange. Ask questions. Write them down beforehand if you wish. Don't feel rushed. If you do not feel that your questions are being answered, say so and restate your specific needs. Many people feel anxious about seeing a doctor and find it difficult to discuss their health concerns openly. If this happens to you, preface your talk with your practitioner by explaining how you feel. The professional yet informal atmosphere at the Student Health Service is intended to be a positive experience for you.

For a photo and more information, please select from the list below:

Mark Christenson, MD Bonnie Freeland, MS, FNP-C
Tim Heinley, MD, Medical Director Marlene Hjeldness, MS, FNP-C
Warren Jensen, MD Terrie Wold, PAC
John Swenson, MD Alan Allery, Administrative Director
Administrative Staff Linda Palmiscno, Interim Clinic Adminstrator
Pharmacy and Nursing Staff Jane Croeker, LSW, Health Promotion Advisor
Laboratory and Radiology Sandy McGaughey, MPAS,RPAC

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