
State of North Dakota policy requires all students to be vaccinated for measles, mumps, and rubella and to have a booster injection (2 MMR's). Students have until the beginning of their second semester at the University to provide proof of such immunization, or they will not be allowed to register. If you have not had the booster inoculation, you may do so at Student Health Services.

In addition to MMR, there is a comprehensive menu of other vaccines available at Student Health Services, almost always at a reduced fee. While some vaccines are part of the basic protocol for general health, others are more specific for other purposes, such as foreign travel.

Vaccines available are:

Hepatitis A Lyme Yellow Fever**
Hepatitis B Chicken Pox Rabies**
Tetanus/diphtheria Polio Typhoid**
Pneumonia Meningitis* Japanese Encephalitis**

*Meningitis vaccine (Menomune): currently recommended for consideration by college/university
students, especially those living on campus in residential housing. It protects against 4 of the 5 types of meningitis that can cause a severe, life threatening illness, especially in young adults.

**Vaccines from this group are more commonly used for persons traveling outside of the USA
especially to the underdeveloped areas of the world. The one vaccine that can be required
for specific areas is Yellow Fever. Other vaccines could be highly recommended for the
traveler's protection.

All vaccinations are done by appointment at Student Health Services. It is highly recommended that persons who need vaccines for foreign travel protection contact Student Health Services for a consultation to determine their travel needs 2-3 months prior to departure date. (Some vaccine schedules can be adjusted to accommodate the late notice traveler, but protection levels are better with the standard schedules, and in some cases certain vaccines cannot be given at a late date.)

Currently enrolled students and staff/employees of UND are eligible for foreign travel advice and
vaccine administration. There is a modest consultation fee charged for the assessment of needs process.

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