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UND Student Health Services
What is the UND Eating Disorders Intervention Team?

The purpose of the University of North Dakota Eating Disorders Intervention Team (EDIT) is to provide high quality, interdisciplinary, coordinated services to assist you in your recovery process. EDIT is comprised of licensed health care providers and counselors from UND Counseling Center and Student Health Services to include:

  • Counselors
  • Medical Providers
  • Registered Nurses
  • Dietitian
  • Case Manager/Social Worker

EDIT abides by strict confidentiality standards and fully complies with all privacy provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

What happens when I go to see them?

Your first contact with the Eating Disorders Intervention Team (EDIT) can be made by scheduling an appointment with a medical provider at UND Student Health Services or by visiting the UND Counseling Center to complete your intake form and visit with a counselor. Both of these departments are located in McCannel Hall.

At the time of your first visit with a member of the team, you will be given a description of the Eating Disorders Intervention Team (EDIT). You will be asked to sign a release of information form so that your information can be shared between the EDIT professionals.

UND Student Health Services

The nurses and medical providers at Student Health Services will visit with you to get an understanding of your present medical situation and any relevant past medical history. They will assess your weight, height, blood pressure and other vital signs and conduct a physical examination. Other laboratory tests may be ordered to get a better understanding of your health status and needs. They will share information with you regarding the signs and symptoms of eating disorders. They will refer you to the dietitian and recommend that you set up an appointment at the University Counseling Center, if your examination suggest that you might benefit from a mental health and nutritional assessment.

The Student Health Services dietitian will review your food habits history, your present eating and exercise habits, assess your understanding of what makes a healthy diet and help you set up a nutrition plan that follows the dietary guidelines. A referral from a medical provider is needed to access the services of the dietitian. The dietitian also serves as a liaison with the medical providers at Student Health.

University Counseling Center

The University Counseling Center, will ask you to complete intake forms to assess your mental health needs. An intake counselor will visit with you and work with you to determine next steps. The counselor will interview you to obtain an understanding of your psychosocial history. The Counseling Center staff will help you determine whether the staff at the University Counseling Center can serve your needs or whether more intensive therapy is required. If services available through the University Counseling Center will meet your needs, a counselor will be assigned to work with you. Students who are struggling with body image and disordered eating issues may be asked to complete an Eating Disorders Assessment while visiting with the counselor. If more intensive therapy is required, the Counseling Center can assist you in connecting with community or regional resources that specialize in the treatment of eating disorders, such as the Eating Disorders Institute in Fargo.

Eating Disorders Case Manager

The Eating Disorders Case Manager works closely with the other members of the Eating Disorders Intervention Team and the student to keep everybody connected. The case manager will help you access campus, community and regional services and assist you in overcoming barriers to treatment. She will facilitate communication between team members and coordinate interdisciplinary services to help you obtain necessary support.

UND Student Health Promotion Office

The Student Health Promotion Office provides information and referral, education and outreach services on eating disorders and body image. If medical treatment is needed, an appointment can be set up with Student Health Services. If counseling is needed, the health promotion office can assist you in accessing the University Counseling Center as well as other campus and community resources.

UND Wellness Center

Although not a formal member of the Eating Disorders Intervention Team (EDIT), the UND Wellness Center offers help with exercise program development and fitness testing. Please call 777-6476 for an appointment; Drop in visits with a dietitian are also available at the Wellness Center (hours vary).

The purpose of EDIT is to provide coordinated care to help you achieve optimal physical and mental health to achieve your personal and academic goals.


UND Student Health Services
McCannel Hall, Room 100
Box 9038
Grand Forks, ND 58202
Tel: 701.777.4500