Rights and Responsibilities

You, as a patient, and Student Health Services staff have certain rights and responsibilities in relationship to one another.

You have a right to:

  • Human care and treatment. You will be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity regardless of your race, sex, age, beliefs, sexual orientation, and/or lifestyle.
  • Accurate information concerning your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of an illness or health related condition.
  • Confidential treatment of all communications and records relating to you. Your permission must be obtained before Student Health Service staff may give information to anyone not directly connected with your care. This requirement applies to your parents, spouses, and UND officials. There are limited exceptions required by law, such as reporting certain communicable disease to the Health Department and data subpoenaed by a court of law.
  • Participate fully in decisions which are made regarding your health care and treatment, whenever possible.
  • Competent treatment from qualified professionals.
  • A second opinion regarding diagnosis and treatment, upon request.
  • Information regarding scope, availability, and fees of service.
  • Choose a specific provider, if the schedule allows.
  • Information about any educational or research aspect of your care and the right to refuse to participate. Such refusal will not jeopardize your access to medical care and treatment.

Your responsibilities include:

  • Providing complete information about your illness and problems to allow proper evaluation and treatment.
  • Asking questions to ensure appropriate comprehension of your illness or problem, as well as the providers recommendations for continuing care. If you find the care or course of treatment unacceptable fore any reason, it should be discussed with the medical staff and Student Health Services administration.
  • Show courtesy and respect to Student Health Services personnel and other patients.
  • Following the course of treatment prescribed to you by the medical staff, including taking medications as directed and not sharing your medications with others.
  • Communicating with your health care provider if your condition worsens or does not respond to treatment.
  • Communicating with faculty to make up class work missed due to illness.

Student Health Services reserves the right to refuse treatment to any student who abuses their rights and privileges.

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