Women's Health
By Lori Hanson, RN, BC
Just as everyone deals with health choices differently, men and women have different health care needs. Women's issues, such as menstruation, birth control, childbearing and menopause require individualized care.
In addition to diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol testing, the following screenings are recommended for women:
*pap smears and pelvic exams every 1-3 years if sexually active or older than 21
*yearly clinical breast exams *chlamydia and other STI testing if sexually active, even if symptom free.
Women can now protect themselves from four of the most common Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) strains that can cause genital warts and cervical cancer with the new Gardasil vaccine. It is also prudent to be up to date on all immunizations, including Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), Tetanus and Hepatitis B.
Other ways to reduce risk of disease include:
*know your family history *maintain a healthy weight *exercise everyday
*manage stress in positive ways
*avoid tobacco products
*practice safer sex
*use alcohol in moderation.
Schedule regular medical check-ups to maintain and monitor your health status. Call Student Health at 777-4500 for an appointment.
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